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Yong Zhu Group wins award at IDTechEX

Congratulations to the Yong Zhu Group for winning the Best Wearable Material/Component Development Award at IDTechEx Wearable USA Conference 2015 for Wearable Dry Electrodes for Electrophysiological Sensing....

President Spellings Visits ASSIST Research Center

UNC President Margaret Spellings visited the ASSIST research center on April 20, 2016.  Faculty and students alike were engaged and presented innovative product demonstrations. ASSIST also...

Veena Misra to present at TEDxRaleigh, 2016!

Two NC State faculty members are among 13 locals selected to present at TEDxRaleigh 2016, an event designed to showcase the best and the brightest of...

Alper Bozkurt receives NSF CAREER Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Alper Bozkurt, on receiving the Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF CAREER Award, is one of the...