By clehmanTeam led by ASSIST student Dieff Vital from Florida International University (FIU), wins 3rd place at the 2019 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) held at Boston... |Outreach
By clehmanOn May 29, 2019, ASSIST welcomed 11 undergraduate students as part of this year’s Summer REU (research experiences for undergraduates) program. During the 10-week summer... |Awards and Recognition
By clehmanThis year’s Wearable Device Challenge was held on April 2 at NC State University’s Hunt Library. Having participated remotely in the past two years, for the... |Awards and Recognition
By clehmanECE Senior Design Day is hosted by NC State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). The event is held every semester, showcasing student... |Awards and Recognition
By assiststaffASSIST would like to highlight two students for their achievements and performance throughout their research experience at NC State University under Jesse Jur’s lab. Both... |Research Highlights
By assiststaffBy the time crops show physical symptoms that they’ve been attacked by insects, plant pathogens or other stressors, it’s often too late. Researchers at NC... |Events
By assiststaffASSIST students concluded their summer research program by presenting results from their research in an informative poster session. The Summer Research Symposium features more than... |In the News
By assiststaffSocial media has changed the way we interact with data and other people. Now, it is essential for many businesses to have social media platforms... |Events
By assiststaffThis is how we celebrated! A special thank you to the College of Textile’s Dean, Louis Martin-Vega for hosting this event. The NSF Nanosystem Engineering...