Young Scholars Program
Program Description
The NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center (NERC) for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) at NC State University is soliciting applications from high school students with an interest in science, mathematics, engineering, or technology for the summer Young Scholars Program.
Up to four students will be selected to participate in research at the ASSIST Center. Participants will gain experience under the guidance of an established research group by investigating a topic from a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines. Students will learn about cutting-edge techniques and tools used in nanoscale science and engineering, conduct a research study, and participate in field trips and seminars. Join us for an interesting summer learning about advances in research, getting involved in your own study, and thinking about possible careers in science and engineering.
The mission of the ASSIST Center is to use nanotechnology to improve global health by enabling a correlation between personal health and personal environment and by empowering patients and doctors to manage wellness and improve quality of life.
Researchers at NC State University, Penn State University, University of Virginia, and Florida International University are working together to create wearable nanotechnologies that monitor individual health parameters and environmental exposures. Long-term sensing will enable patients, doctors, and scientists to make direct correlations between health and environmental toxins leading to chronic disease prediction, management and treatment. ASSIST advances will accelerate environmental health research and clinical trials as well as inform environmental policy.
Please visit the ASSIST Center website for information on current ASSIST funded research, the investigators involved, and potential areas of research for Young Scholars.
The program lasts for 6 weeks (with the week of July 4th off), June 17 – July 26, with follow up during the academic year. Students will receive a $1,000 stipend for their work as a Young Scholar. The program is for US citizens and permanent residents only and students must participate for the entire period of the program. Participants are required to attend all daily and weekly meetings, seminars, field trips and workshops.
Complete applications must be received by March 1st, 2019.
Questions? Please Contact:
Dr. Elena Veety,