The Wearable Device Challenge was held on April 17th, 2018 at the Talley Student Union at NC State University. This event is one of the most popular competitions, from our ASSIST Education Outreach Program, among middle and high school students. Our goal is to increase the diversity and enrollment of domestic students in university engineering degree programs through teacher workshops, student outreach activities and by funding the Young Scholars Program.
We had over 100 students participating in the competition coming from 10 different middle and high schools across North Carolina including two from Pennsylvania and one from Virginia. There were a total of 16 teams who presented in person and 8 remote competitors who presented via pre-recording videos. Students were instructed to design a wearable device that will monitor a human or animal’s health based on environmental factors and/or disease transmission. The competition integrates the One Health Initiative Concepts and the Grand Challenges of Engineering which students are required to use for their design process. Each team created their own prototype, ad campaign, and poster which was later reviewed by a set of ASSIST judges.
A special shout out to all the students who participated along with their teachers. Below is the list of winners (student names are in no particular order). Congratulation to you all and we hope to see you next year!
Middle School Winners:
1st: Envision Science Academy (Team Disease Detecting Glasses), NC
2nd: Phillipsburg Osceola Middle School (Team Smart Glove) , PA
3rd. Zebulon G&T Middle School (Team Temperature Glove), NC
High School Winners:
1st: Enloe High School (Team Optitek), NC
2nd: Wake STEM Early College High School (Team OXEN), NC
3rd: Enloe High School (Team Aneminator), NC
(See photos below)
Middle School Division

First Place:
Ty Wilson,Alina Galecki, Greg DeVoe
Team: Disease Detecting Glasses
Envision Science Academy
Second Place:
Abby Lumadue, Cade Glace, and RT McCulley
Team: Smart Glove
Philipsburg-Osceola Middle School

Third Place:
Estefani Alvarez, Deon Graham, Amari Brown, Jayla Benjamin, Peyton Smallwood
Team:Temperature Glove
Zebulon Gifted Talented Middle School
High School Division

First Place:
Cameron Grey, Sarthak Mehta, Kabir Kalra, Manav Majumdar
Raviteja Aechan, Joydeep Mukherjee
Team: Optitek
Enloe High School

Second Place:
Eythan Suber, Jesse Wells, Jamin Flores
Team: OXEN
Wake STEM Early College High

Third Place:
Lizzy Yenni, Iustina Banerji, Rohini Sharma
Team: Aneminator
Enloe High School
ASSIST creates self-powered, wearable health and environmental monitoring systems. ASSIST stands for “Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies”. ASSIST is an Engineering Research Center financed by the National Science Foundation and headquartered at NC State University. Education and outreach are an integral part of the Center’s mission and vision. The Wearable Device Challenge aims to disseminate the core of ASSIST work to the K-12 community and build the pipeline for young scientists and engineers who will be prepared to continue the important work of identifying and solving the Grand Challenges of Engineering for the future.