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Electric Bandage Holds Promise for Treating Chronic Wounds
This is a modified version of a press release originally written by Matt Shipman for NC State University. Researchers have developed an inexpensive bandage that...
Michael Daniele Receives the 2024 William F. Lane Outstanding Teaching Award
Michael Daniele, associate professor in the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering & Biomedical Engineering, has received the 2024 William F. Lane Outstanding Teaching Award
Oralkan Elected to AIMBE College of Fellows
This article was originally published here. The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) has announced the induction of Omer Oralkan, professor of electrical and...
Veena Misra Selected as Head of NC State ECE
This article was originally posted here. Veena Misra has been named as the permanent head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at North...
ASSIST and IConS Researchers Part of NSF Convergence Accelerator Grant
It seems almost impossible to imagine replicating the impressive olfactory sensing abilities of animals. Indeed, jewel beetles can detect a burning tree 50 miles away,...
Two ASSIST Faculty Members Named as Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate
Congratulations to Amay Bandodkar and Michael Dickey for being named among the 2023 list of Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate. Seven researchers from NC State...
Alper Bozkurt and Team Win $4.3M Grant
A multidisciplinary team led by researchers at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) has received a $4.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation’s Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems (NCS) program. NC State ECE Distinguished Professor and ASSIST Center Co-Director Alper Bozkurt is part of the team, and Baranidharan Raman, professor of biomedical engineering at the McKelvey School of Engineering, is leading the study.